Sunday, October 23, 2016 will always hold special memories.
First, there is the spontaneous surprise visit from my brother! He actually arrived on Saturday but whatever… He lives in Virginia where he trains and instructs Navy pilots. He had just flown a jet into Boise on Friday for some instructing he would be doing with students for several weeks beginning on Monday. With Lukas’ birthday on Sunday and my body in process of a miscarriage with #3, he wisely thought a surprise would be fun. It was great!
The simple fact that our eldest was turning three is what made it a second special memory and a fun, special day to celebrate. We had a beautiful drive to Potlatch, ID, to check out some barnwood we can wrap the fireplace in the Irving St. house with. After loading up the truck with it, we headed to Moscow, ID, and the well-liked Breakfast Cafe to show Uncle Ryan more of our neck of the woods and enjoy a birthday breakfast with the birthday boy. Everyone was ready for some rest after we arrived back home! Unfortunately, I still needed to set some things out for Lukas’ “ice cream bar” birthday celebration so no rest for the mama.
Before Uncle Ryan needed to start his drive back to Boise, we lit a candle in a small bowl of ice cream so we could sing and celebrate with him. As we finished and said our goodbyes to him, friends started arriving to celebrate Lukas as a three year old! About twenty minutes into friends arriving, I realized my body was also deciding it was time to let baby #3 go. This is the third and final memory to be held on this special day.
Backing up, we had learned we were pregnant on September 30! We weren’t trying, we weren’t preventing, and we were (are!) constantly telling people we are open to adoption if they hear of, or know of, situations that might lead that direction. I thought adoption might be the next way God added to our family yet after that pregnancy test knew I was wrong on that account! My cycles hadn’t resumed to a normal rhythm as I had just weaned Kaden from breastfeeding so any dates for estimating a due date and how far along we were was out the window. The only thing that alerted me to take a pregnancy test was nausea that was similar to what I had carrying Lukas and Kaden.
A few weeks later, with very rough clues following the pregnancy test, we estimated we were roughy two months along. The Tuesday evening prior to this special Sunday, I started spotting. Somehow, I just knew. We weren’t going to get to keep this little one. I didn’t really want to acknowledge it until it was official. After an ultrasound Thursday evening, both Karl and I knew it wasn’t looking good. We both have seen enough ultrasounds to know that what we had seen wasn’t positive. As I was in the bathroom afterwards, the tech also gave him the “it doesn’t look good” face. Blah. A follow-up doctor appointment Friday afternoon, gave us the official word that there was no heartbeat. Now, it was just waiting for my body to let go, which after my doctor’s exam indicated that my body was preparing for that process. My doctor said she wouldn’t be surprised if things happened in the next 24 hours. Nothing did.
It’s always in looking back that I see God’s hand in so many ways. Typically, for me, in the midst of things, I’m wondering how things will work out. I know they will. I’m just too detail-oriented to not wonder how it will...and try to plan ;) After my brother’s surprise of showing up, I didn’t think too much of when my body was going to “do its thing.” I am so, so, so thankful that for the time my brother was with us we were able to just enjoy being together and hang out.
Now, back to Lukas birthday party! For some, I know the timing of having your son’s 3 year old birthday celebration would not be ideal to also be passing another child. I’m not sure I would have chosen it either. Yet as my body began its process and I excused myself to the bathroom, I sent a text to some friends that had been walking with me through the week: “I have to text because the timing is crazy. Celebrating one life and saying goodbye to another.” That phrase of “Celebrating one life and saying goodbye to another,” became very sweet to me. Outside the bathroom was a house full of friends that knew what we were walking through and were also celebrating Lukas. It was sweet picture to me of amazing community that is able to rejoice with those that rejoice and weep with those that weep. We were doing both. At the same time. In fact, Karl brought me the monitor that’s in the boy’s room so I could see a very little smidge of all the kids playing...and Lukas saying hi to me!
I was able to return to the party after a while and sat at the dining room table with friends around me. Again, in this situation for some, friends would have been asked to leave and everyone would have understood! For me, I was so thankful Lukas was having a blast and being celebrated. I didn’t want people to go home. I was glad there was life happening around me. It was healing to me to have friends right there to give hugs and sit with me. As an introvert, I surprised myself by even telling everyone that I was actually glad for the timing of it all! I was getting to celebrate one life and say goodbye to another at the same time with great community around me. It was special.
With our first miscarriage before Lukas, I ended up in the ER because my body couldn’t handle the amount of blood loss. Having walked with other friends through miscarriages, I knew that typically, the body will pass things at home and all will be well. I thought the time I spent in the bathroom during Lukas’ party was possibly all my body needed to do. Friends, Phil & Cassie, took the boys to church with them after the party so Karl and I could get some rest and process together. My body also told me it wasn’t done.
Just before Phil and Cassie got home with the boys, I asked Karl if he could call his mom to come stay the night. I was also getting more weak and shaky and Karl said he would like me to go to the ER. I agreed that it was probably a good idea. We knew he would need to help settle the boys with his mom and then meet me there. We had Cassie drive me after Karl and Phil did a chair lift with me to the car. I was laying on the floor in our bedroom before they carried me and Kaden had come in to see me. He was so snuggly and warm and wanted to just lay nestled into me. It was a special moment with him :) Lukas was a funny memory - As I was being carried to the car, I heard him say, “Hey, what are they doing with mom?” I was so thankful it wasn’t with a scared voice or even a confused voice. It was a matter of fact tone of voice, which helped this mama’s heart as I was leaving! Momo’s (Karl’s mom) response that I wasn’t strong enough to walk was just perfect :)
After arriving and checking in to the ER, I was waiting at the counter in a wheelchair, not feeling well. I told Cassie that I thought I was going to faint. Sure enough, the next thing I knew, there was someone say, “Miss, miss, can you open your eyes.” I can remember opening them but also not how we got to the ER room, which is my next memory. I was still in the wheelchair yet next to a bed BUT I was throwing up into a hand and I remember thinking, “I’m pretty sure that’s Cassie’s hand I’m throwing up into.” True friend is all I can say to that!! She was great to have by my side since Karl couldn’t be there right away.
After nurses had me stabilized, Karl arrived. I was so glad to see him! Before leaving home, I had also sent a text to my friend, Rachel, who is an ER nurse, asking if she would come be with me. I also contacted my friends Paige and Amy to be there as well. I asked myself, “who does not have young kids that can come be with me!?” They arrived and it was such a gift to have them. They prayed with me. Rachel stayed in the room with me and Karl through the evaluation of my body. We learned that I had come into the ER with my red blood cell count at 11 (normal is 12-15) and had dropped to 9 while there. So, so thankful we went when we did! There was talk of a blood transfusion but we never did head down that route.
When the ultrasound tech came to get me, my “groupies,” as Karl referred to them, waited until we returned. After my lab and ultrasound results were known and the decision to do a D&C (surgery where they put you out and remove remaining tissue from your uterus so as not to cause infection) was made, I had a lot of fear, and tears, and overwhelming emotions of getting pregnant again (yes, I was jumping to future possibilities). I did not know how to process all of it. They prayed with me again and for Karl and the surgery...and just all of it. It goes without saying that having my husband with me was the absolute best. The second best was having the gift of these ladies come out late at night to be with me and stay until we were waiting for the medical team to assemble for my surgery. AND they took over the care of our boys and figuring out plans for the next day while we rested and recovered in the hospital. I didn’t handle a darn detail. That’s big. I have amazing friends and husband.
I missed and thought of Lukas and Kaden yet was so comfortable and confident of ALL the help that was being poured out to love and care for them over the 24 hours we were gone. From Karl’s mom to other friends going to our house and playing with them to meals being set up for the following week to beautiful flowers being brought to us, we have experienced God’s hands and feet and love and care through so many. We truly did not walk this alone.
Miscarrying is quite common as you come to learn as you experience it. We’ve had a number of friends walk through the journey as well. We like to think of all the little ones we haven’t been able to meet playing together :) As a sweet friend said in a text to me, “Your sweet baby was way too perfect for this world and the first thing they saw was Jesus - and there’s nothing sweeter than that.” It true. Our little peanut, as I affectionately refer to this one we’ve not met, is home. Really home. We have empty arms and are sad yet have a peace that passes all understanding. It was a bittersweet, glorious day to celebrate Lukas’ life of three years and say goodbye to one that we won’t meet this side of heaven. So thankful for both lives. And so thankful for this little clan to call my own and look forward to any others added along our journey.
What I learned after this miscarriage, is that it is common to have headaches due to the change in hormones and/or the anesthesia from the D&C surgery. They. Were. Gnarly. Not quite migraine but it was tough to function with two young kids, especially since it was combined with very little energy. Not to mention, attempting to process and grieve the little life you weren’t going to get to meet and enjoy. The friends and family that brought meals throughout the following week or came to play with the boys was so, so helpful. It provided space to just be in the days that followed. If you never experience a miscarriage personally, know that your helping hands go a long way in caring for a friend that does. Thank you to our community of helping hands that gave us moments to be a family and cherish what God has given as well as experience how God cares for and loves us through the sad times with the simple of act of a meal or listening ear.