So many things on my mind to write about!
First things first….I mentioned last time that another adventure had come later in the week. See the pictures below…..
On my walk to work! Yes, it is uphill both ways (you just can't see the hills yet!).
That means I also go downhill both ways too. Just in case you were confused.
Proof that I'm walking to work!
I believe these capture the weather of the new area I am now living. (Although, it's just cold now. Most of the snow has melted away.) I’ve “done” the snow thing with the years I spent in Canada and Montana. It’s just different to realize that this is where I LIVE. This isn’t a “season” of snow for a few years and then back to California I go. It’s now – life. Just a little adjustment. Maybe more than a little on some days more than others! I must say though, Pullman isn’t so bad since the snow tends to come and go and doesn’t last a super long least this winter. Only the cold weather lasts a really long time. I’m always thankful to see the sunshine even if it isn’t warm!
Other things I’m thankful for in this new adventure of weather: 1) God led me to Canada and Montana for a few years so I really experienced cold weather and snow. It makes the transition a touch easier to know what it could be like! 2) Warm layers that keep me warm! (This has also given me a much bigger heart for those that experience cold on a daily basis because they do not have a warm layer). 3) Heat in our home – see sentence in parentheses again except exchange it for those that don’t have a warm place to go. 4) And yes, warm food and drink have also been much more meaningful. New adventures, I believe, can bring new things to be thankful for – and help with the transition that adventures tend to bring.
That being said….the next post brings another thing to be thankful for that I took for granted for way too many years. Until then….
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